All containers intended to house electrical material inside them are characterized by the IP rating , which is important to consider before installation in order to know the real protection potential of the container.
What is IP rating?
The IP code is nothing other than the IP protection degree or international protection marking, in English Ingress Protection which in short becomes IP, sometimes interpreted improperly as an ingress protection marking. The IP protection degree is a parameter defined by the international standard IEC 60529, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission, which classifies and evaluates the degree of protection provided by mechanical and electrical enclosures against the intrusion of solid particles , such as body parts and dust, and access of liquids .
The declared IP protection degree must be guaranteed in the " ordinary service condition of the devices ".
The standard aims to provide users with more detailed information than the vague terms used in marketing, such as "waterproof", "water-resistant" or "dust-proof" and "watertight".
The coding, established by the EN60529 standard implemented by the CEI 70-1 Italian Electrotechnical Committee standard, is as follows: IPXXab . The fixed term IP is followed by two digits and two optional letters.
From the general coding established by the Italian Electrotechnical Committee it is therefore possible to state that the acronym IP is followed by two characteristic figures, "X" and "X". In particular , the first "X" is a figure that can range from 0 to 6 and identifies the degree of protection of the casing against the penetration of solid bodies . The second "X" is a figure that can range from 0 to 8 and identifies the degree of protection of the container against the penetration of liquids . It is clear that the maximum degree of protection against solid and liquid bodies is identified by the IP68 code, where 6 indicates the maximum degree of protection against solid elements and 8 is the maximum degree of protection against liquid substances.
IP first digit: here's the meaning
Let us now see in detail the meaning of the first digit expressed by the IP code which, as already mentioned, can range from 0 to 6 .
• 0: unprotected container;
• 1: container protected against solid bodies larger than 50 mm in diameter. In this case the container is protected against the entry of a hand;
• 2: container protected against solid bodies larger than 12 mm in diameter. In this case it is not possible to enter the container even with a finger;
• 3: container protected against solid bodies larger than 2.5 mm. The container does not allow access with any tool, such as a screwdriver;
• 4: container protected against solid bodies larger than 1 mm. Wires or strips with a diameter greater than that indicated must not penetrate;
• 5: container protected against the harmful penetration of dust. The penetration of dust is not completely excluded, but the quantity penetrated is not such and is not in positions such that it could harm the correct functioning of the electrical equipment installed inside it;
• 6: container totally protected against dust. No penetration is allowed. It is the maximum degree of protection from solid bodies.
IP second digit: here's the detail
After having analyzed the first digit of our IP code, it is time to move on to the second digit , between 0 and 8 which identifies protection against liquid substances.
• 0: unprotected container;
• 1: container protected against vertically falling drops of water. Drops of water falling vertically onto the container must not produce harmful effects on the material contained;
• 2: container protected against falling drops of water with a maximum inclination of 15°. Drops of water falling vertically on the container inclined at any angle up to 15° compared to its original position must not produce harmful effects on the functioning of the material contained;
• 3: container protected against rain with a maximum inclination of 60°. The container is protected against water falling in rain with a maximum inclination of 60°;
• 4: container protected against splashes of water coming from all directions;
• 5: container protected against water jets from all directions;
• 6: container protected against powerful wave-like jets of water. In this case, the container with IPX6 protection level is ideal for installation near piers or near car washes;
• 7: container protected against the effects of temporary immersion. The container must not allow the access of water in quantities that would produce harmful electrical effects under conditions of a certain pressure due to immersion;
• 8: container protected against the effects of prolonged immersion under conditions agreed with the manufacturer. It is the maximum level of protection from liquid substances.
The IPXX protection degree, as already mentioned, can be followed by two optional letters "a" and "b".
First letter: IPXXAb, what does it mean?
The first letter indicated by the IP code after the numerical part indicates the protection and resistance of the container against dangerous parts . This first letter is between A and D.
• A: container protected against access with the back of the hand;
• B: container protected against access with a finger;
• C: container protected against access with a tool;
• D: container protected against access with a wire.
Second letter: IPXXaB, what does it mean?
The second letter indicated by the IP code indicates the conditions to which the container resists in its use , without causing damage to the functioning of the electrical material contained. This second letter can be:
• H: container suitable for high voltage use;
• M: Resistant enclosure against water damage when the device is in operation;
• S: Resistant case against water damage when the device is not in operation;
• W: container resistant to specific atmospheric conditions.
In addition to the IP protection degree, a container is also characterized by the acronym IK , which indicates its resistance against impacts according to the EN 50102 standard.
Here are the details of the acronym IK
The acronym IK is characterized only by a numerical part. Let's see the details below:
• 00: unprotected container;
• 01-05: container protected against impact energy lower than 1 joule;
• 06: container protected against impact energy less than 1 joule, with a weight of 500 g from 20 cm;
• 07: container protected against impact energy less than 2 joules, with a weight of 500 g from 40 cm;
• 08: container protected against impact energy lower than 5 joules, with a weight of 1.7 kg and 29.5 cm;
• 09: container protected against impact energy lower than 10 joules, with a weight of 5 kg at 20 cm;
• 10: container protected against impact energy lower than 20 joules, with a weight of 5 kg at 40 cm.
In conclusion, the container with the highest degree of protection will be characterized by an IP68DX protection degree and the acronym IK10 .
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