BTicino has been establishing itself on the market for some time with a vast range of standard video intercoms capable of adapting to any user's installation needs, both in single homes and in condominiums.
From today BTicino presents itself even more innovative and cutting-edge by offering the new range of Classe 100 video intercoms: a solution that combines the classic nature of the standard system with the connectivity of the new smart systems.
What does Class 100 connectivity consist of?
The new BTicino video intercoms respond to any installation or communication request from the user. Classe 100 offers, in fact, the possibility of connecting the video intercom to the Wi-Fi network, allowing the user to remain in constant communication with the environment in which it is installed.
With an elegant and modern design, Classe 100 brings the video intercom directly to the smartphone. From here it is in fact possible to manage any function of the BTicino video intercom: open the locks, activate the operation of the cameras and answer calls from the video intercom directly. All this in a simple, quick and above all safe way, guaranteeing maximum efficiency even outside the home.
How is the new BTicino Classe 100 video intercom made?
BTicino has always guaranteed maximum results in every new project and, even in this case, does not give up design and practicality.
In fact, the video intercoms of the new Classe 100 come with a large 5" display to ensure maximum visibility for any type of installation. The design is modern, solid and light, with a thin and minimal shape in order to best integrate into any living context. Both digital and physical controls, just touch the surface to activate the desired function.
What are the main new functions of Classe 100?
Classe 100 is not just a simple video intercom, each of its functions is in fact capable of surprising you.
The new BTicino video intercoms, if connected to the “Door Entry Classe 100” application, allow the user to control the entire home.
It is possible to answer the call from any room you are in, even outside the home: whether we are in the office or on holiday, all in a convenient and fast way.
With the smartphone it is also possible, again through the application, to open the gate, the garage door, turn on the lights and program the activation of the irrigation.
The home is under constant control with the video intercom: smart also because it allows the user, thanks to the intercom terminal, to remain in constant contact with whoever is inside the home, simply interacting through the monitor.
How do I connect the “Door Entry Classe 100” application?
Simply install the application on your smartphone and follow the step-by-step guided procedure to pair the device with the video intercom. Once the user has created his account, he will only have to select the Wi-Fi network on which the two systems must communicate and, once associated, the synchronization will be completely automated. At this point the user will be able to manage the configuration of the video intercom directly on his smartphone, on which he can manage the installation of the devices at any time.
Thanks to the integrated connectivity, the BTicino Classe 100 range is also ideal for existing 2-wire systems without adding further wiring: ideal for renovating an old video intercom system without giving up new smart solutions.
Everything is simpler and faster: the installer's work does not change and the user's convenience increases!
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